Time Blocking: Unleash the Power of Your Calendar
Time Blocking: Unleash the Power of Your Calendar

I. What is Time Blocking?
Time blocking sounds like one of those business buzzwords, doesn't it? And yet, it's a simple concept that’s had a remarkable impact on my productivity throughout my career. Essentially, it's the practice of scheduling specific time slots or blocks of time for related tasks or activities throughout your day. If done well, and with intentionality, this time management methodology can be a game changer.
My first experience with time blocking was during my college years. As a student juggling multiple responsibilities - coursework, part-time job, extracurricular activities, and social life - I found myself constantly overwhelmed and under a lot of stress.
I scheduled time with my guidance counselor to talk about withdrawing from one or two of my classes. I was shocked at her first question, “What’s your favorite day of the week to unwind, spend time with friends and family, and let go of your schedule?”
What was this, a trick question? I’ll bite; I responded with Sunday. From there, we began setting aside specific chunks of time for different activities - studying, working, exercising, and leaving Sunday blocked out for leisure time. Amazingly, I took one day out of my schedule and never dropped a class!
The impact was profound. Not only did I become more productive, but I also felt less stressed. I knew exactly when I would be doing what, and this eliminated a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. During my study hours, I could focus wholly on my coursework without worrying about work or hanging out with friends. My reward…Saturday night out with friends, sleeping in on Sunday, watching football, and having dinner with family.
The same is true in the real estate industry, yet many agents don’t have a structured approach to managing their business. The immediate benefit of time blocking is that it offers a framework to better manage the reactive nature of work, which frees our time to schedule more productive work. Taking the first step can often be the most challenging part of any new endeavor, but you don’t have to go it alone!
We are on a journey to revolutionize the real estate community through agent and vendor partnerships. From building business partnerships, sharing business expertise, and investing in our community, we can make a difference. Sellstate Innovation Realty uses a five-step process for helping agents assess the gaps in their business and step 3 is Time Blocking. Are you ready to level up? Schedule a consultation today!
Click here to book your consultation and take the first crucial step towards mastering time blocking.
II. Why is Time Blocking Effective?
One of the key benefits of time blocking is the structure it creates in your life. There’s a big difference between reactively scheduling your workday as opposed to taking a more proactive approach by scheduling time to map out your week. How many of us sit down once a week to map out our week? By doing so, you can optimize your productivity, make the most of your time, and reduce your stress levels!
Let’s talk about what time blocking is not. It’s not a task list. There are two distinctions that should be understood between time blocking and task lists: first, task lists are not time-based, and two, by the nature of defining your work down to the task level, you rarely create an opportunity to work deeply on goal-related objectives.
I use a combination of Day Theming and Task Blocking to set my schedule, which we’ll talk about later in the blog. Every Sunday I review my schedule and set up time blocks to work on goal-related objectives. For the most part, the block themes don’t change, just when they are scheduled, the time needed, and the major tasks that get placed in each block. Here’s a great read by best-selling author Kevin Kruse, who interviewed 200 billionaires, and found that highly successful people plan their lives with their calendars. A key takeaway from the article was the research showing “that 41% of all to-do list items are never completed!”2
The process of planning specific blocks of time is an effective way to improve productivity and maintain a healthy work-life balance. It keeps the 'time vampires' at bay - those tasks and distractions that suck away valuable time from your day. Whether you're a student, a professional, or someone trying to juggle multiple responsibilities, time blocking can be a game-changer in how you manage your time.
Picture this - it's Monday morning and you have a list of tasks that includes property viewings, appointments, prospecting, and paperwork. Sounds overwhelming, right? This is where time-blocking steps in. In most cases, you are your personal assistant who organizes your day into manageable chunks. You might dedicate 9-11 AM for prospecting, 11:30-1 PM for viewings, and so on. The beauty of this approach is that YOU create structure in your day, allowing you to focus on one activity at a time, reducing stress and enhancing productivity. Plus, it helps ensure that no task gets overlooked. Once you get into the rhythm of time blocking, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it!
III. The Importance of Time Blocking in Real Estate
One of the main benefits of time blocking is the ability to manage your time more effectively. Time blocking involves scheduling dedicated blocks of time for specific tasks or activities, allowing you to have a structured approach to your day.
- Improved Focus: By allocating specific time blocks for each task, you can eliminate distractions and increase your focus on the task at hand.
- Reduced Procrastination: When you have set time blocks dedicated to specific tasks, it creates a sense of accountability and reduces the tendency to procrastinate.
- Work-Life Balance: Time blocking allows you to allocate time not just for work-related tasks, but also for personal activities, self-care, and leisure, ensuring a better work-life balance.
IV. What are the Types of Time Blocking?
Adopting time blocking into your routine may seem like a daunting task, so let’s start with understanding some of the different types of time blocking.
Day Theming: is a type of time blocking where each day of the week is assigned a specific theme or focus. For example, you might designate Mondays for planning, Tuesdays for deep work, Wednesdays for meetings, and so on. The idea is to dedicate your energy and attention to one type of task or project for the entire day. Lifehack’s article provides practical examples of how you can use day theming.
Time Boxing: Time boxing is a time management strategy where you allocate a fixed time, or "box," for each task or group of tasks. This could mean setting aside 30 minutes for email checking, two hours for project work, or an entire morning for deep work. The key is to stop working on the task when the time box ends, regardless of whether it's complete or not. Here's a comprehensive guide on time boxing that provides more details: Timeboxing - The Complete Guide from Clockify.
Task Batching: Task batching is a time management technique where you group similar tasks together and complete them in one go, during a specific block of time. This could mean dedicating a couple of hours to responding to all your emails or setting aside an afternoon. For more information about task batching, please refer to this comprehensive guide: What Is Task Batching? A Comprehensive Guide.
Time Management for Realtors®: Brian Icenhower, a renowned real estate executive and founder of Icenhower Coaching & Consulting, has developed an effective approach to time management tailored to the demands of the real estate industry. This approach emphasizes the prioritization of tasks based on their urgency and importance. However, it goes further by addressing the specific challenges faced by real estate agents.
Click HERE if you would like to take this course and get a live demo of our Custom Real Estate Training Academy! Our Custom Training Suite is a comprehensive training portal, with over 35 Icenhower courses and customized Sellstate courses to help our agents succeed.
V. Tools and Resources for Time Blocking
Implementing time blocking can significantly be made easier with the right tools and resources at your disposal. Here are some of the most recommended tools to help you navigate and master this technique:
- Google Calendar: Google Calendar is an excellent tool for time blocking. AKIFLOW has a great article, offering solutions you can create different calendars for different types of tasks, giving you a clear visual representation of your day.
- Office 365: Outlook calendar also offers the feature to block out time in your schedule. Six Minutes Smarter provides a step-by-step video guide on how to effectively use Office 365 for time blocking your week.
- Monday.com:MondayBlog walks through time blocking using the Pomodoro Method, for adding clarity and intention to the workday.
- RescueTime: This application not only helps in blocking time but also tracks how you're spending it, providing comprehensive insights. RescueTime Blog offers a full guide on how to utilize this tool.
- VeryWellMind offers tips for being more productive using Time Blocking to keep your days stress-free.
Using these tools in conjunction with the steps and tips mentioned earlier will help take your time-blocking efforts to the next level, significantly enhancing your productivity and work-life balance.
VI. Action Steps for Getting Started with Time Blocking
Taking the first step can often be the most challenging part of any new endeavor. Here, we provide some actionable steps to get you started on your time-blocking journey.
Identify your Most Important Tasks (MITs): According to Brian Icenhower, successful time blocking starts with identifying your MITs. These are the tasks that provide the most value and contribute significantly towards your goals. Once you've identified these tasks, prioritize them in your schedule. Refer to Brian Icenhower's article on Real Estate Time Blocking, which provides an in-depth guide on how to identify and prioritize your MITs.
Create Time Blocks: Once you have identified your MITs, the next step is to create time blocks in your schedule. Allocate specific time slots to your MITs first, followed by other tasks. Brian Icenhower's Time Blocking Tips provides a comprehensive guide on how to effectively create time blocks.
Schedule a Consultation Taking the first step can often be the most challenging part of any new endeavor. Whether you are newer to the industry or maybe you just want more hands-on learning, Sellstate Innovation Realty uses a five-step process for assessing the gaps in your business; step 3 is Time Blocking. We pride ourselves in giving back to the agent community, whether it’s a full day of training or one-on-one sessions, we are here for you.
We are on a journey to revolutionize the real estate community through agent and vendor partnerships. From building business partnerships, sharing business expertise, and investing in our community, we can make a difference.
Click here to book your consultation and take the first crucial step towards mastering time blocking.
Remember, the objective is to focus on one task at a time during each block, minimizing interruptions and multitasking. Start small, be flexible, and use the right tools. Over time, you'll hone your time-blocking skills, leading to increased productivity and a better work-life balance.